
We have a large selection of materials that offer great savings. Some are going out of the collection so please make sure you buy enough to complete your entire project as we probably will not be able to get any more. Some products we are offering at reduced prices because the factory might have had an overstock at deeply discounted prices. Others might be promotionally priced to encourage people to experiment a little.
097p Iridised Spice (disc)
Availability: 12
Special Price $10.65 Regular Price $18.05
12mm Matte Daffodil Yellow 027 (disc)
Availability: 7
Special Price $12.00 Regular Price $19.25
12mm Matte Chili Pepper 108 (disc)
Availability: 19
Special Price $13.20 Regular Price $29.05
12mm Matte Light Olive 044 (disc)
Availability: 7
Special Price $12.00 Regular Price $19.25
12mm Matte Toffee 094 (disc)
Availability: 20
Special Price $12.00 Regular Price $19.25
12mm Matte Khaki 046 (disc)
Availability: 9
Special Price $12.00 Regular Price $19.25
12mm Matte Charcoal 048 (disc)
Availability: 11
Special Price $12.00 Regular Price $19.25
12mm Matte Yellow Pollen 026 (disc)
Availability: 4
Special Price $12.00 Regular Price $19.25
12mm Matte Suntan 093 (disc)
Availability: 1
Special Price $12.00 Regular Price $19.25
12mm Matte Soft Blush 102 (disc)
Availability: 30
Special Price $12.00 Regular Price $19.25

10 Items